Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Director George Miller's "revisiting" of his Mad Max franchise looks and feels like it should be based on graphic novel but it wasn't, its also way different from the Babe and Happy Feet movies that Miller's been making for the last 20ish years. I admit I haven't seen any of the earlier Mad Max films, in fact I didn't even know that this movie had the same director as those until just now. Fury Road has gotten tremendously good word of mouth among people with whom I am acquainted, and while this is not exactly the kind of thing I'd usually bother to see in a theater I thought I'd give it a chance.

Now I'm not going to lie, for the first 20-30 minutes or so I HATED this movie, much like my initial reaction to the film The Wild Bunch. It was just so crazy, fast and violent it was turning me off, it wasn't until Max joined up with the group of women he would spend the reset of the film helping to defend that I finally had a rooting interest and started to get invested. This film has a crazy energy, it won't slow down, and its over the top stylings, once I got in tune with them, were really rather enjoyable, I'd liken it to my experience seeing Grindhouse in the theater eight years ago, it was just not something I could have prepared myself for, but it was awesome. The film also has a definite feminist subtext that has been much remarked upon and which I think really helped sell the movie for me, it was insanity, but in support of a good cause. Anyway defiantly not for everybody, but an enjoyably crazy experience for those its for. With the success this movie has had, I don't think we will have to wait another 30 years for a sequel. ***

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