Sunday, April 10, 2011

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)

Final film in the Christopher Reeve Superman cycle is simply not needed. Now the first two films were strong, as a child growing up watching them I thought they were real good, and on re-watching them a couple of years ago I thought they were solid if hokey. Superman III of course is less effective, a bizarre hybrid of a Richard Pryor movie, it mostly seemed awkward, and was lacking too many of the central players, like Gene Hackman, and little more then a cameo appearance by Margot Kidder. Hackman and Kidder are back for this outing, along with a twenty-something Mariel Hemingway, and oddly Jon Cryer.

The film is a weak late cold war tale, as with Rocky bringing about Detente, here Superman tries to solve the arms race. Any potentiality in this movie is waisted with the senseless rehashing of the plot of the last two Superman movies, namely Superman must fight another superpowerd being or beings (in Superman III its himself). There's this nuclear/solar powered guy made from some of Superman's 'genetic material', he's just muscly and boring. Mariel Hemingway is pretty, and that's about the best thing I can say for this movie. Film feels like it had too many scenes cut, but then again all these Superman movies had blaring continuity problems and logical leaps. Entertaining enough, at least for one viewing, but mainly an exercise in ringing the last bit of juice from a franchise. Grade: C-

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