Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kick-Ass (2010)

You know interestingly the most enthusiastic recommendation I got for this film was from a young Mormon women. Kick-Ass is an adaptation of the same titled comic book series about mostly young superheros. It attempts to go at its subject matter in, what for lack of a better term, I must call a 'more realistic' approach then you get from most comic book inspired movies. The film sets its costumed vigilante characters in a more-or-less realistic world, and explores the logistical, personal, and physical problems of superherodom. In that respect it is much like 2009's Watchman, only crossed with some of the indie comic extravagance of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.

This film has been criticized for its surprising amount of profanity (and not the milder type), extreme and graphic violence perpetrated by characters including a twelve year old girl, and largely implied under aged sexuality. I expected to be turned of by this, and it was certainly a little intense in places, but as the movie gained momentum and started to expand on its scope, I really got swept up and enjoyed the thing. It's a bit of a guilty pleasure I suppose, but this was kind of awesome, true vicarious fantasy for the underdogs in life. I'm kind of surprised Robert Rodriguez didn't direct this, it seems right up his alley, but Matthew Vaughn did a fantastic job. Sequel please. Grade: B+

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