Monday, May 17, 2010

Chisholm '72: Unbought & Unbossed (2004)

Documentary on the groundbreaking yet quixotic quest for the 1972 Democratic presidential nomination by Shirley Chisholm, the first black women ever elected to congress. Film gives brief biographical data on Shirley, but mostly follows her through the '72 election from her announcement in January, to defeat at the national convention in Miami Beach that July. Shirley Chisholm was well aware of the obstacles against her but wanted to take the campaign seriously, not just be symbol, but actually try to get enough delegates to have some influence in the drafting of the party platform (in order to push the party to take stronger stands on issues important to women and minorities). This she unfortunately was unable to do, but it seemed a noble effort, and watching this documentary I don't know how you could not respect the lady, she was sincere and wanted to change things for the better. An enlightening documentary on a women I knew hardly anything about. The film also sheds a lot of light on the notoriously crowded and ill fated Democratic quest for the presidency in 72', plus I enjoyed the waka-waka soundtrack and use of all the period news clips and campaign commercials. Recommended.

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