Thursday, December 3, 2009

Meet the Robinsons (2007)

Disney (non-Pixar) animated film about an orphan boy with a talent for inventing, who travels into the future and befriends a family of eccentrics. I thought this film was just too hyper-active and slim on story, it also seemed oddley dated and remincenst of Frank Capra's Oscar winning 1938 film You Can't Take It With You. Ultimetly Saturday morning cartoon material that does not warrent a motion picture. I disapprove.

1 comment:

hortinthewho said...

I didn't think this film was super great but thought it was somewhat enjoyable. I appreciated a bit of a different story line.

Come to think of it though I have only seen it once. Considering I have now seen The Dark Knight more than 40 times now, I don't have much else to say.