Sunday, June 29, 2008

Recount (2008)

This HBO feature offers a fairly detailed and engaging look at the legal and political battles behind the awarding of Florida’s disputed 25 electoral votes in the 2000 election. Though the makers and some cast members claim the film to be unbiased, and I saw nothing in the film that appeared to be out-and-out wrong, the Democrats are certainly the hero’s/victims of the movie. Kevin Spacey, Denis Leary, and Ed Beagly Jr. play committed and highly ethical members of the Gore camp Ron Klain, Michael Whouley, and David Boies respectively. John Hurts Warren Christopher comes off as a kind of Neville Chamberlain figure, while Laura Dern’s Kathryn Harris is pretty much delusional and easily manipulated. Tom Wilkinson, who was so effecting in Michael Clayton as a remosrfull corporate lawyer, does bring some sympathy to the part of James Baker, but mostly he’s the hard-A bad guy. Still I like these kind of movies, they can get people talking. Three out of Five.

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