Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Enemy At The Gates (2001)

This is a good war movie, it has all the parts. I wouldn’t quite call it exceptional however. What was particularly interesting about the thing is that while the true story its based on has the perfect makings for a Hollywood film, it of course couldn’t have been made (or at least would have had some difficulty being made) during the Cold War era. Though come to think of it commies vs. Nazi’s, on some level you win not matter who gets shot.


Travis said...

Hey Nate, I loved this movie. Mostly because it was about Russian history and was entertaining. Jude Law makes a surprisingly good comrade. AS does Rachel Weisz.
On a more personal note, I thought you might like to know that we will be moving in August to Bowling Green, Ohio. I was accepted to a PhD program in Communication and Culture. Sound like something you might like? I'm quite excited.

Jax said...

Rachel there would be my other British mistress, in case you didn't know.