Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The West Wing: Season 3 (2001-2002)

(primarily the White House, also New Hampshire, New York, and other locations)

Well those who know me know that I like The West Wing, so I'll spare you the general praise. There are three main threads running through the third season, 1) the fallout from Bartlet's MS revelation, 2) the re-election campaign, and 3) the raise of Qumar as a state sponsor of terror. As this was the season that aired in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, there is a noticeable change in tone from that Clinton-era feel, to the 'war on terror' (this was also the season when I became a regular viewer). Series creator Aaron Sorkin has been accused of going militant after 9/11, and I see where people get that. Ironically this largely liberal cultural text, should probably be regarded as one of the best pop-culture taps into the American mindset just after the attacks (just look at the montage in the season final of the secret American assassination of high ranking middle-eastern leader).

Speaking of the season final (Posse Comitatus) it is a gem, perhaps the emotional highlight of the entire series. It tops itself with two effecting montages, and the introduction of two characters who will be important additions in the 4th season (played by Lily Tomlin, and James Brolin). Of the DVD set itself, I'd say the highlight for me was the audio commentary by the late John Spencer on the Christmas episode Bartlet for America, in which we see in flash back Leo's brief relapse into alcoholism during the final days of the 98' campaign. Sense much of this story line echos the actors own lived experience (i.e. John Spencer was a long time alcoholic) it works on several levels, and the performer has more then usual unique insight to add to the proceedings. Ironically later on John Spencer's own real-life passing would parallel events in his characters life, as the actor passed on from a heart-attack, about a year and a half after the near fatal one which befell his character. Series producer John Wells later remarked on the impact that had on him, as he had written the season 6 opener in which the character has his initial heart-attack. Anyway The West Wing is excellent stuff.

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