Saturday, September 24, 2016

Singles (1992)

Though some people absolutely love his work, there is something about Cameron Crowe and his movies that, on the whole, is just too preening and self satisfied for me. That being said I did like Singles, an extremely Gen X movie (though Crowe is actually a Boomer) set amidst the grunge music scene of early 1990's Seattle. This thankfully episodic and loosely structured movie winds back and forth through the lives an loves of a half dozen 20 something's, chiefly those living in a single apartment structure. Matt Dillon, Campbell Scott, Kyra Sedgwick and Bridget Fonda are all good to satisfactory as the principal players. This movie raised in me two chief questions: 1) Whatever happened to Bridget Fonda? (Turns out she married composer Danny Elfman and quite acting.) & 2) Am I Gen X or a Millennial? (According to Wikipedia I'm at the tale end of Gen X.) ***

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