Monday, September 2, 2024

Battlefield Earth (2000)

 After seeing the better then expected 'Jupiter Ascending', I decided to watch another famously bad, over bloated sci-fi spectical turned box office bomb, 'Battlefield Earth'. Unlike 'Jupiter', 'Earth's reputation is truly warranted. Based on the novel of the same name by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, set 1,000 years into an alien occupation of our planet, there are two stories told 1) an anemic and well past credulity straing tale of a human rebellion lead by Barry Pepper and  2) power jockying amongst the mid-level alien management overseeing the occupation, lead by John Travolta. These slow, awkward and not particularly interesting stories end in one of the more ridiculous climaxes I've ever seen in a film. This is a truly odd movie full of all sorts of odd, directing, editing a especially acting choices. A film that honestly begs the question, how did this get made? *

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