Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Tattered Dress (1957)

 Scrolling through a list of videos I came across a movie called 'The Tattered Dress' staring Jeff Chandler. After Chandler had died Esther Williams wrote in her memoir that while she was dating Chandler she once arrived home unexpectedly to find the tall, manly actor in one of her dresses. So a film called 'The Tattered Dress' staring Jeff Chandler struck me as funny. So I started the movie not intending to finish it but became interested enough in the story to see it through.

Chandler plays a high profile, very successful New York lawyer who travels to Nevada to defend a husband and wife acussed of murdering a man who had once been a football hero in his small town, all as part of a love triangle thing. We know the two committed the murder because we see them do it at the start of the film, so a movie where the lead is a guilty parties lawyer intrigued me, what's the story gonna be?

Well Chandler gets the couple off early in the film. To be honest I don't get how he won the case and for reasons that would take too much typing for me to explain right now. So he wins the case, mostly as the result of humiliating local sherif Jack Carson on the stand. Shortly after this Chadler is indicted for bribing a juror to get that verdict, which we quickly find out he did not do, the poor woman has been blackmailed into a revenge scheme by the sheriff. So now Chandler must defend himself with the odds stacked against and learn a lesson about not being such an asshole lawyer. Pretty good, but really something that seems more like it should be a TV movie then a feature film. **1/2

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