Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Left Behind III: World at War (2005)

 'Left Behind III' concludes the Kirk Cameron trilogy with a depiction of the last 50 pages of the second book... in a 16 book saga. Kirk really isn't the principle character here, instead the focus is chiefly on a new character, the President of the United States played by Oscar winner (and recently deceased as of this posting) Lou Gossett Jr. Gossett aided anti Christ Nicoli Carpathia's rise to power and he's none to pleased when he realizes what he's done. Kirk manages to lead the nation's chief executive to Christ just as World War III is starting, shortly after this the President acts as essentially a suicide bomber in an unsuccessful effort to eliminate Nicoli. 

Other plot points include a double wedding and the bad guys spreading a deadly plauge through infected Bible's, the cure turns out to be communion wine. Again, silly and cheap looking, but at least things happen in this one as opposed to the snore feast of part 2, plus Gossett adds suitable gravatous to the times he's on screen. This might be the best of these three, but that's still only *1/2

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