Friday, November 24, 2023

The Kid Detective (2020)

 At the turn of the Milleniaum Abe Appelbaum was a beloved small town "kid detective", solving mysteries like 'whose been borrowing bikes without permission' and 'who stole the schools time capsule'. Twenty years later he is played by Adam Brody and is a pathetic figure, still solving local low stakes crimes for a largely kid clientele, still haunted by the one mystery he was unable to solve, the disaperence of a classmate. Now Abe is approached with another real case, a 16 year old boy who was violently stabbed to death, his investigation leades him from the school and the candy store, to the dark underbelly of his small town, as he searches for the answer to the mystery and a form of self redemption. Expertly navigating shifting tones 'The Kid Detective' is a low key little gem that goes to unexpected places. ***

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