Saturday, July 16, 2022

Jurrasic World: Dominion (2022)

 I had low expectations for this going in, what with the 30% Rotten Tomatos rating and the previous three Jurrasic films not living up to the promise of the first two. However 'Jurrasic World: Dominion' proved to be an unexpectedly balanced film. Part Jurassic World franchise, part Jurrasic Park reunion, and part James Bond movie (the whole Isle of Malta sequence felt very Daniel Craig era Bond). 

The movie is not very deep, clever or particulary insightful, though I liked the stuff about the locusts, something new but fitting with what came before. The important thing is the movies parts work and most every important character, and there are about 10 here, is given sufficient screen time and arc. I liked the note they closed this property out on. ***

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