Sunday, May 15, 2022

Saunkan Saunkne (2022)

Nice young Indian couple Nirmal and Nasseeb have been married eight years, they live with Nirmal's mother on a prosperus little farm, Nirmal's even on the Villiage Council. However Nasseeb just can't get pregnant, they've seen witch doctors and regular doctors and nothing is working. So Nasseeb suggests Nirmal take her younger sister Korna as a second wife so they can have children. Nirmal is reluctant at first, but him and Korna end up getting along so they get married. However the pragmatic approach under which the marriage was entered, dosen't take into account the emotional realities of the situation. Insecurities and jealousy abound, the elder sister tries to cock block the younger, the honeymoon period comes and goes, various people try meddling, there's a scooter accident, and exiling either wife is floated before the end of the picture. Fascinating as cultural artifact and a little hard to pin down tonally, this romance/comedy/drama is a real peak into a different world for the American viewer. One of the things I found interesting is that while legal plural marriage has become less common and culturally acceptable in India, so the three party arrangement make the leads the target of local gossip. ***

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