Sunday, August 18, 2019

You, Me & Dupree (2006)

I had no particular desire to see You, Me & Dupree, the only reason I watched the movie is because I got it in a mystery movie DVD pack. It was honestly not as bad as I had expected it to be, though I could hardly call it good. Dupree is the loser friend, played by Owen Wilson doing his usual shtick, who moves in with a newly wed couple, Kate Hudson (who looks beautiful) and Matt Dillon, who I assume is only in this because he was in the Oscar wining movie Crash the previous year which had briefly inflated the potential sale-ability of his name on a marque. Seth Rogan and Bill Hader are in this too though they are not yet stars, as is Michael Douglas but he is just cashing in a paycheck. It's not a particularly gross out comedy, which surprised me a little, nor is it quite as dumb as a lot of the so-called comedy out there, but it's not really funny (I laughed maybe once or twice), and plays everything really safe and conventional. If you haven't seen this movie, you've still kind of seen this movie if you've read my one sentence plot description above. *1/2

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