Sunday, July 14, 2019

Yesterday (2019)

After a freak, unexplained, world wide 12 second "black out", aspiring but perennially unsuccessful musician Jack Malik (Himesh Patel) discovers he may be the only person on the face of the Earth who remembers The Beatles. With the iconic group mysteriously erased from history Jack now has a back catalogue of great songs no one has ever heard before and a seeming ticket to world wide stardom and happiness. However as Jack's career starts to take off he realizes that this may cost him his chance at romance with longtime friend Ellie Appleton (Lily James), who had previously been the only person to really believe in his talent.

This good natured fantasy/romantic comedy is a pleasant watch, which has some clever bits, a likable cast, and of course a great soundtrack. It's really a creative way to "reintroduce" The Beatles, and makes me wonder how aware the 30 and under crowd even are about the group these days. If my 10 year old nephew were to watch this film it would make very little sense to him, but I would have gotten it had it come out when I was 10.

It's nice to see this fantasy concept brought to film form, I know that I'm not the only person who had the youthful fantasy that if only "X" didn't exist I could invent "X" and be rich and famous. Some of my favorite moments in this film would constitute spoilers so I'll just say that I saw something in this movie I never expected to see, and the ending went in a direction I hoped it would, but didn't' really expect it to. *** 

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