Sunday, March 26, 2017

My Cousian Vinny (1992)

This movie just turned 25 years old, seemed like a good enough reason to finally scratch it off my 'want to see' list. The first half of the film or so is more amusing then laugh out loud funny, but after Joe Pesci's Vinny Gambini starts arguing in front of the court the movie really gets going and all the build up more then pays off. Marisa Tomei of course won her best supporting actress Oscar for this, and its really what launched her career, hard to believe now that she was third billed behind Ralph Macchio here. Also Fred Gwynne is great as always, here playing the courtly southern judge in what would prove to be his last film role. This movie has a great charm to it and was very capably directed by Englishman Jonathan Lynn, who also created two of my favorite britcoms Yes Minister, and Yes, Prime Minister. Also I'm just kind of partial to early 90's comedies. Loved this, they couldn't have done it better. ****

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