Saturday, November 5, 2016

Inside Out (2015)

Disney Pixar film about an 11 year old girl named Riley coping with a family move from Minnesota to San Francisco, and seen largely through the perspective of the five personified emotions living in her head. Disney did an animated short along similar lines back in the 1940's, only there I think it was the Ego and the Id at the drivers seat, rather then Joy, Fear, Disgust, Anger and Sadness in the control room. (Also as a point of reference there is the early 90's Fox sitcom Herman's Head). The movie is likable, charming and creative, though not on the level of many of Pixar's more iconic works. Still a strong animated film. I had been suspecting it was going to deal with clinical depression, instead it was a more straight forward case of the 'I miss my old home blues', which is fine because the other could have been rather dark for Pixar. ***1/2

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