Saturday, April 2, 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

DC and Warner Brothers seemingly desperate efforts to build an analog to Disney's mega successful Marvel Cinematic Universe to me seemed kind of sad, on top of that early reviews for Batman v Superman (whose subtitle Dawn of Justice nobody uses) were on the whole negative, so I was a bit surprised how much I enjoyed this film. I must confess I like director Zack Snyder's superhero movies, I liked Man of Steel (though with some hesitation) and really liked Watchman. Snyder has an ability to create immersive worlds so he's a very logical choice for what Time Warner is trying to accomplish here. Batman v Superman felt like part of a larger world, and in fact teased for no less then a half dozen additional movies. It is a movie that went in some directions I didn't expect it to and much of what bears talking about in this film would constitute massive spoilers so I will forgo those.

The movie and its story grows rather organically out of the previous film Man of Steel and contains a lot of little nods, and extra details that really added to my enjoyment of the film. We get some revealing back story for Lex Luther's childhood, an interesting and seemingly new geographical relationship between Metropolis and Gotham, and an Alfred (Jeremy Irons) who is refreshingly a little tired of Bruce Wayne's crap. I thought Ben Affleck was perfectly acceptable for what this movie demanded of its Batman, though I don't know if he could anchor a successful Batman film on his own. I also liked Holly Hunters Senator character, Jesse Eisenberg's ADD Luther, and could never quite place Wonder Woman Gal Gadot's accent (oh she's Israeli). Purists take issue with a number of things in this film but I'm not a purest I liked it and am legitimately curious about what's coming next in the DCU. ***1/2

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