Sunday, July 19, 2015

Jaws 2 (1978)

Sequel to the iconic 1975 blockbuster Jaws, Jaws 2 is perhaps needless to say a lesser film. In fact there isn't that much to Jaws 2, its basically just a retread of the first film, a large aggressive Great White starts to feed on folks off the coast of Amity Island during the summer tourist season, Sheriff Roy Scheider wants to get right on that and close down the beaches but the towns commercial interests don't want to listen to him so more people needlessly die. Scheider is the only of the big three from the first film to return for this sequel, Robert Shaw was dead in the franchise, and then actually died a few months after this movie came out, and Richard Dreyfuss's character is said to be unreachable on an expedition in the arctic ocean. Still Jaws 2 is watchable, while the character moments were often a bit pained there is enough action and suspense to generate excitement. Passable enough, Jaws 2 doesn't fill me with a lot of hope for the later films in this series however. ***

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