Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ministry of Fear (1944)

It seems like there a lot of these WWII, British or qusi-British, espionage, man on the run features, (notably Man Hunt and Night Train to Munich) and it seems like they should get old, but they are generally pretty good quality and I've developed kind of partiality to this interesting little period sub-genera. It helps of course that Ministry of Fear was based on a Graham Green novel, so with that kind of source material your already half way there, plus this is directed by Fritz Lang so another big plus. The plot concerns a war refuge organization, and its charity bake sales, that have been compromised by the Nazi's, as in who would think to look for Nazi spy's using an anti-Nazi organization for cover. Ray Milland plays a man recently released from a prolonged stay at a mental hospital who accidently stumbles on at first questionable seeming, and later outright nefarious goings on involving said group. Of course given that Milland just got out of 'the nuthouse' (the reason for his stay there is reveled during the course of the film) people aren't likely to listen to him. Milland amasses a few allies, including a love interest played by Marjorie Reynolds, but some of them may not be what they appear. Not as good as Man Hunt or Night Train to Munich, but Ministry of Fear is still quite watchable. ***

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