Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars (2014)

My sister really liked this movie and I wasn't opposed to seeing it for two principle reasons: 1) I was familiar with John Green, the author of the book the movies based on, as he his also a minor internet celebrity from his Crash Course educational videos and I enjoy his sense of humor, and 2) I've really been won over by Shailene Woodley. The Fault in Our Stars is a teen romance picture, not a genera I have a lot of experience with, nor do I desire such experience, but you can just tell this movie is smarter and quirkier then most films that aim for the teen girl demographic. The romance here is among cancer patients, a likable pair played by Woodley and Ansel Elgort, who ironically play siblings in the Divergent series. Anyway Woodley and Elgort are kind of obsessive fans of  a fictional novel about teenage cancer patients called An Imperial Affliction and its reclusive author Peter van Houten (played by Willem Dafoe), and through course of events they get to go visit him in exile in Holland, and it turns out he's a jerk. Then some other things happen which I won't spoil, but it's still pretty predictable considering the films set up. For the most part the resolution is handled well, and I genuinely enjoyed the film. Man I've been pretty easy on Young Adult flicks as of late, should I be concerned. ***

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