Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sharknado (2013) Rifftrax Live (2014)

Every once in a while a film comes along that has just the right horrible gimmick for its time, whose tongue-in-check awfulness the public finds they can enthusiastically embrace, and which thusly permeates the zeitgeist, Sharknado is one such movie. It's a horrible movie, not one I'd want to sit through un-aided, and while The Nostalgia Critic and Cinema Snob did a good job at skewering this film, I felt there was more humorous potential to be minded from it. That and its been stressful at work lately so I just felt like watching something really stupid. Rifftrax, a company/service put together by MST3K alums provides snarky audio commentary on feature films, and in this case did a live show simulcast to theaters across the company, though what I actually watched was a rebroadcast of this live show. I can't rate this, either the commentary or the movie on a traditional scale, suffice it to say both are juvenile but entertaining. At the broadcast they mentioned that the Rifftrax crew were going to do another live skewering, this time of the God-awful 1998 American version of Godzilla, and I'll probably pay to see this. In short Sharknado is awful, but awful humor makes it more bearable.

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