Saturday, October 12, 2013

To Boldly Flee (2012)

The third movie in the TGWTG (That Guy with the Glasses) Website 'Anniversary trilogy', proceeded by Kickassia and Suburban Knights. TGWTG is a website that hosts various comedic reviewer 'personalities' who discuses and skewer, in character, various pop culture products like movies, video games, comic books ect. For three years most of the better known reviewers got together to create multi-part 'anniversary movies' for the website. Each year the movies actually got more ambitious, and even contained semi-legitimate character arcs.

Like the previous entries in this series To Bold Flee is largely a combination of website in-jokes and pop culture references, the plot cut, pasted and riffed on various films it parodies, in this case large portions of the film (even down to extended dialogue sequences) consist principally of  plays on such movies/franchises as Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Star Trek, and The Matrix. This is also the film where website creator Doug Walker killed off his principle character 'The Nostalgia Critic', a decision he fairly quickly regretted as he brought the character back from the dead about seven months later.

I found this film quite enjoyable and well done, the special effects especially good and appropriately tongue in check for this kind of production. Despite having much backing in website in humor, the plot is coherent enough that you could watch it without  being familiar with the website, though it would doubtless be kind of  a surreal experience. The movies build on each other well and this film (video) is more emotionally effective if you've seen the previous entries in the series. There is nothing quite like this series, and the care and enthusiasm with which these movies were made makes them something kind of special. ***

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