Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hatfields & McCoys (2012)

I think this is the first true mini-series that the History Channel actually aired, after all that hullabaloo about The Kennedy's. Anyway Hatfields and McCoys, we've all heard of them but you probably know very little about them. I knew basically nothing beyond the fact that they were famously feuding family's in the mid 19th century American south. In fact its kind of schocking how little I knew. This is a three part miniseries, with a good cast including Kevin Costner as 'Devil Anse Hatfield (his standard typecast cowboy), and Bill Paxton as Randell McCoy (his standard typecast religious nut). Tom Berenger, Powers Booth, and Jena Malone are also in this, as is Mare Winningham.

The stories and origins of the feud are complicated, though in the end I put the bulk of the blame on the McCoys. This series looks great (I believe its eastern Europe or Russia standing in for Kentucky and West Virginia), it's brown, and dirty all about, the houses, people and everything look appropriately rough, its almost sepia toned. This is tragedy, Shakespearean really, with blood for blood exchanged to a truly revolting degree. Though I suspect they took some liberties I know the History Channel strives for accuracy, hence there refusal to run The Kennedy's, so I think the history here is about as good as your going to get in a TV movie. I didn't really plan to watch this in its initial run, but the first part really got me interested, and it sustained throughout the whole. Solid work History Channel. Verdict: Good

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