Friday, July 8, 2011

Dear Zachary (2008)

Several weeks ago I saw my mom watching this on MSNBC. Now my mom's kind of a true crime junkie and I'm basically sick of the genera so as a rule I wouldn't be interested in this, but I couldn't help but notice the quality of the presentation. It was creative, it was interesting, it was dynamic, the editing style alone made it clear that this wasn't your standard network 'murder of the week' doc. Then a couple of weeks later a friend of mine gave it a glowing endorsement on facebook and I decided I needed to see it so I gave it first place on my netflix Que. Last night I watched it, and it was an experience.

Dear Zachery is as its subtitle says 'a letter to a son about his father'. The father is Andrew Bagby, a young doctor who was murdered by an ex girlfriend who turned out to be pregnant with his son, Zachery. Zachery's mother Shirley Turner is crazy, but the Canadian justice system is having a hard time seeing that. This documentary started out as the quest of filmmaker Kurt Kuenne to learn more about his murdered friend Andrew, and after Zachery's unexpected birth morphed into a way to explain to a future older Zachery, who his father was and the tremendous effort exerted by his grandparents to rescue the child from the custody of his disturbed mother. This is a powerful emotional film, the best documentary I've seen in a really long time, the story so poignant, the presentation so brilliant, the whole package is a wonder and you will feel from this one! Quite simply an amazing, moving work. My highest recommendation. Grade: A+

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