Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Godmakers II (1993)

I admit I've always been morbidley curious to see one of these films, and this one was avilable for free on the interwebs. Anyway mostly a rehash of materials from the first Godmakers film (so I've read), you know Mormons have to much power, is a cult, ect. The one new addition is charges that long time Church leader Gordon B. Hinckley had a series of orgies with under aged males and prostatues in a Salt Lake City apartment, or so says a dying AIDS patient. Film maker Ed Decker makes the point that the Church is so powerfull that it supressed virtual all news of this story, thus citing a lack of evidence as evidence, neat trick. Such overreaching at lest in part is what caused the more reputable 'anti-Mormons' the Tanners of Utah Light House Ministry to break with Decker and his group. I don't know how to rate this one.

1 comment:

hortinthewho said...

When I saw this title I did a double take. It made me laugh when I realized that you really watched this.

Let me know if you ever figure out how to rate it.