Sunday, March 22, 2009

Towelhead (2007)

These are some first impressions that I’m jotting down on Alan Ball’s second feature film. I generally enjoy Ball’s work, he’s an envelope pusher, but I found this film, especially its first half, genuinely difficult to watch. Set during the first Gulf War this is the tale of a young Lebanese -American girl's sexual maturing in suburban Texas. Sexually uncomfortable, and populated mostly by unlikable characters, this is the most offensive film I’ve sat through since September Dawn. “He’s gone to far”, was a phrase that kept going through my mind, and I think that captures the general critical reaction to the film. People loved American Beauty, I did, it pushed the envelope plenty, but was not as graphic or harsh as Towelhead. This all being said there’s some genuine art to this film, and it has some worthwhile things to say. I also thought they did a good job of humanizing the characters at the end of the film, which I liked so much it almost made up for the bulk of the movie. But on balance I almost stopped this film several times, so uncomfortable it made me, and I simply can not recommend it to all but the most pure of Alan Ball enthusiasts. This movie almost defies my rating system, so I give it a flummoxed 2 out of 5.

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