Thursday, January 3, 2008

Stardust (2007)

Stardust was a totally satisfying movie, a fact made even more surprising to me because I thought I’d already seen my engaging revisionist fantasy for the year in Enchanted, which I also thoroughly enjoyed. Credit for Stardust’s success goes equally to the unique vision of Neil Gaimen whose “Amazing Screw on Head” first clued me into his quirky sensibilities. Second off it goes to the hammy fun had by Michelle Pfiffer and especially Robert De Nero, whose transvestite sky captain was the high point of the movie, and the movie was consistently engaging, lacking in the lags that usually accompany fantasy films. Worth your time, though the films light but not wholly traditional sexual attitudes might offend some Huckabee voters.

1 comment:

hortinthewho said...

Overall I enjoyed this movie as well. I had trouble getting into it in the beginning but after the introduction of Robert DeNiro's character I was entirely on board.