Monday, December 10, 2007

Enchanted (2007)

It’s perhaps a long time in coming that Disney would put a post modern spin on its venerable fairytale franchise, adjusting the ‘true love’ dynamic for contemporary times, and give us a send-up of the story conventions of earlier films that’s warm hearted and delightfully non-mawkish. ‘Enchanted’ is throughly so, an enjoyable romp that worked for me as well as it could for any child. Amy Adams becomes the new it girl with her wide-eyed turned heroic performance, and Patrick Dempsy ensures a place in my ‘don’t hate them’ list by proving the perfect fit for the role of a divorce lawyer (que Irony) who takes in the banished fantasy princess while she awaits rescue from her surpassingly likable prince.. There’s even a character named Nathaniel who gets to overcome his self doubts and publish a best selling book, how could I not like this film. Heck, I even liked Pip.

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