Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Dollman vs Demonic Toy's (1993)

 I suppose this one is pretty self explanatory. Tim Thomerson from 'Dollman' and Tracy Scoggins from 'Demonic Toy's' team up to prevent said evil playthings in another attempt to provide their evil master with a human body to inhabit. They are joined in their efforts by Melissa Behr, a leggy blond nurse who was shrunken to doll size in another movie, 'Bad Channels' (1992). It's a kind of B movie Avengers. Making generous use of footage from its three feeder movies, it's still only about an hour in length. **

Demonic Toys (1992)

 A sting operation against some gun runners goes bad; officer Tracey Scoggins partner and lover is killed, she tracks fleeing suspects to a toy watehouse. Inside the warehouse they discover demonically possessd toy's, Scoggins, a teen girl, a Korean war veteran security guard and a chicken delivery drivers must fight the toy's, while the spirit of Tracey's unborn son must fight a demon to prevent possession of his fetal body. This sounds cooler then it is in execution, still **

Dollman (1991)

 Tim Thomerson is an alien cop who tracks a villainous explosives expert to Earth, but things are complicated by the fact that everything here is 6 times bigger then on his world, so he's only 13 inches tall. Dollman must defeat the fugitive, take on a gang that is terrorizing the south Bronx, in the process helping a single mom, her son and vastly strengthening the neighborhood watch. If this were given a bigger budget and Dollman was played by someone like Rutger Hauer this might have been something. *1/2

Monday, October 14, 2024

Puppet Master 5 (1994)

 A corporation seeks the secrets of the puppets. The head evil demon comes to our world to finish what his minons couldn't. The spirit of Toulon finally finds peace, maybe. *

Puppet Master 4 (1993)

 A demon from another realm sends puppet demons to our world to sabatoges experiments into artifical intelligence. A young genius becomes the new puppet master. A psychic goes comatose and the new puppet masters turn coat friend is murded in his car. *1/2

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Puppet Master 3 (1991)

 'Puppet Master 3' is a popular favorite, and probably the best in the series, I don't anticipate any subsequent entry being better then this. A prequel that contradicts some established lore, but gives us origin stories for several of the puppets. Set in 1941 Germany we find this version of Andre Toulon us

Puppet Master II (1990)

 A group of researchers go to the old hotel, they fair little better then the psychics. We now have a new puppet with a flame thrower, who joins the others in successfully resurrecting the old puppet master Toulon, who is less successful in resurrecting his wife, unless you consider incarnating her in a life size puppet a success. On par with the first. *1/2